Comedy comes easier to some people more than others, but no matter what your level of comedic experience, here's a few top tips to help get you started ...
1. Don't take yourself too seriously
This might sounds obvious ... but to be funny, you need to believe you are funny and that starts by being able to have a good giggle - sometimes at yourself!
If you're new to comedy, don't worry if you get things wrong or feel you're messing up, that's all part of learning ...
Jot down your ideas, share them with friends and family and test them out. You might not make people laugh right away - and that's fine - just have fun with your ideas!
2. Surround yourself with funny things
Take inspiration from comedy films, books, TV shows, people and podcasts that make you laugh out loud.
Think about why you enjoy those particular shows/books/actors etc. and what is it about them you find so funny?
Take down notes and try bringing some of the things you see and hear from jokes and performances you like - and incorporate them into your own ideas.
With our award, your homework is to make yourself laugh by reading, watching and listening to funny things and try to adapt that to your own work!
3. Learn some jokes
Try and remember a few jokes and tell them to different people to gauge their reactions.
Each time you tell the jokes, try telling them in slightly different ways - like using an accent or using your hands to illustrate what you're saying.
You will start to learn what people respond to and how to deliver jokes in a way that best suits your style and personality.
4. Be adaptable
If you start telling a story, and it is not going well, resist the urge to keep going.
With a little practice, you'll be able to read the room and when you aren't hearing people laugh, you can move on to the next joke quickly.
It's OK not to stick the landing on all of your jokes and stories, but if you can learn to fail better - it will help you adapt your material to different audiences.
5. Be yourself
It might take a little bit of time to find your style and voice but don't pretend to be someone you're not. Often the funniest people are true to who they are and know how to make fun of themselves!
Trust your inner funny bone and be you. It's easy to end up trying too hard to be someone you're not and often the comedy won't work. People will enjoy your jokes and writing if you're being true to yourself, and it will be much easier to get people laughing if you feel comfortable, relaxed and confident in your own skin.